The Miserable Tripper

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Performed my 2nd circuit training today.

Sometime before this, I neglected to mention that I had moved onto circuit training last week - and it was quite enjoyable!

Once again, it was a windy day with winds of 15 knots, likely gusting to 25 knots from 210°.

A note to self - I must invest in a knee pad. My old friend “task-saturation” is present, and while in cockpit I found it challenging to remember the wind speed and, even worse, the QFE!

Today’s session involved more practice on circuit training, with the added element of “engine stall” on take-off training. (i.e. throttle off shortly after takeoff, and learning to glide the plane while looking for a place to land)

I felt that my performance on these few items hadn’t improved much from last week. However, I’m glad that I caught myself making these mistakes (at least I’m more aware this time):

  • Taking off with a high enough nose attitude (pull, baby, pull)

  • Not maintaining my heading - crosswinds didn’t help, but I lost track of where the wind was after a turn

  • Not allowing the aircraft to settle after setting throttle and attitude, overcorrecting when gusting

  • Maintaining an altitude of 1000ft, caught myself sinking to 800ft while doing landing checks on downwind.

  • Keeping to the runway centre on takeoff

  • Landing on the left wheel (I have video evidence)

  • Flicking the flaps-up toggle too hard, causing it to flick down to 40° flaps on turnaround (NOT GOOD)

  • Maintaining AIRSPEED

  • Forgetting to keep lookout when turning in circuit

  • On final, forgetting to push carb-heater in at 300ft (to prepare for turnaround in any landing)

On a positive note, I feel that I performed better than last time in the following areas:

  • CBUMFICHH on downwind - finally memorised it and it helped speed things up

  • Adequate handling on final approach (considering strong crosswind)

  • Finally, upon realising i was too low on base, I had the conviction to just throttle up to maintain altitude (I reached it early as it was a long circuit due to noise abatement!)

  • Always cleared the pylons