The Miserable Tripper

Little dribblings from a dude

I ruminated much, and wrote little.

As you read this, know that I’m well past 40, an age where most boys reaslised they’re now relegated to the realms of mere-mortal men and realistically there’s no chance of ever getting that national team call up.

Middle age is associated with men financing Porshes, riding Triumph bikes on the Euro-tunnel, or indulge in a mistress or two, or to hurtle off a plane from 15,000 ft…

So for Moi, there’s the bike (Suzuki V-Strom), the cat (Roger) and the Piloting (still learning!).

Its important to say I do feel mortal, I do feel middle aged. But as I had ignored any opportunities to learn lessons from my youth, I had paid handsomely in NHS CBT sessions and a skip-load of rotten emotions. Calling these ‘ruminations’ might  perhaps be a stiff-upper-lip underplay; my therapist had encouraged writing as a mechanism, noting how it contributed to our first useful session.

So yes, up to that point, I ruminated much, and wrote (too) little.

welcome to my journey as I try to change that…..

Not the first part, that’s genetics, the writing part though may well become something beautiful.

This is where I write

to gather thoughts

to capture memories

to emote, to cope,

to journal, to therapy, to everything.

So thank you for landing here, no matter if its a serendipitous, emphatical, or schadenfreuden one,  I do hope it serves some value as I write about anything and everything, one little blog post at a time