Wei Chong Wei Chong

I finally flew

Last week I finally took my first lesson, yay!

oh and I made a video.

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Wei Chong Wei Chong

Baby Steps - 1.01^x

his might be a (re)breakthrough, finally accepted that I can’t bear it anymore, I’ve started my first baby steps towards learning to fly!

We visited the local flying school, enquired about how to get started, the potential costs and durations it might incur. Happy to say none of it had dissuaded me.

Later that night, and for the rest of the coronation weekend, surfice to say I’ve been “binging” ground school curricula, starting with a trial course of Air Law (the first of 9 theorectical exams) with Easypplgroundschool.com. And, I’ve also signed up to UK’s CAA portal- so yeah, pretty motivated start.

Very appreciative of how supportive my wife turned out to be, aside from chiding me for being “gatal” and “zenglan” (meaning I’m itching and bringing trouble on myself). I had this mental block that she would baulk at not just the cost, but also the time investment it would take. I guess she knows I need this.

It’ll be a significant investment once all is said and done, but the journey will be a long one- somewhere along 12-24 months- so it'll be managable.

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Wei Chong Wei Chong

Start of Story: Jaw hung open

—start of a short story—

Of course Leang’s jaw hung open, her brows lifted high onto her forehead.

“Carried me home? as in adopted?” still couldn’t quite contain the shock, she clumsily wiped bits of foam off with a tablecloth.

“You’re still my daughter, doesn’t matter whether I carried you home in a car or in my womb.” Keng was equally surprised that she had let it slip so casually. Until this moment, she had almost forgotten about it. She couldn't remember the last time it had been mentioned.

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Wei Chong Wei Chong

My notes on John Burn-Murdoch’s presentation on Reporting and visualisation

John Burn-Murdoch’s, and FT’s charts on twitter has always impressed me. I first became aware of him during the first pandemic lock down. This post contains notes i made while watching his video at Post PBC channel on Youtube.

TLDR DataViz

  1. Text is critical.

  2. Bad Chart = confused reader, ease of understanding comes first

  3. emotional and political context (aim to be neutral in these 2 senses)

  4. stick around, don’t publish and vanish

  5. ease of understanding comes first

  6. use animation to build and release tension

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Wei Chong Wei Chong


First post - sometimes I look at Roger licking his paws under winter sun and without a care in the world, me think he’s having his best life; Othertimes I emphatise that he hasn’t had the chance to live a wild life.

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